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A header must follow a High pass. There is a limit of 2 outfield players per team who can challenge for a header. Whether a player can challenge for the header or not depends on how close they are to the target.
- Players within 1 hex can challenge for the header.
- Players within 2 hexes can challenge for the header but willsuffer a -1 dice penalty.
Use the distance stick to judge how far the header can travel.
Goalkeepers can also challenge to catch a high pass if they are close enough, using their Aerial Ability.
If the goalkeeper loses a duel against an attacker and no defending player can win the header, the attacker scores a goal! Aerial Ability also gets a penalty of -1 in the second Hex away.
If the goalkeeper wins the duel they save and hold.
In all instances, follow the Loose Ball instructions if there is a tie. A loose ball from a Header cannot hit players that were involved in the Headed Challenge.
Headed Attempts at Goal
Headed attempts at goal cannot be blocked or intercepted by defenders. If the attacker has won a duel with a defender, the goalkeeper now rolls to attempt a save. The attacker does not re-roll. Start counting Hexes from THE BALL, not the winner of the headed challenge.
A headed attempt at goal is only off target if the winner of the Heading duel is an attacker attempting the header, and the attacking player won the Heading duel with a dice roll of 1.
Headed Passes
Headed passes cannot be intercepted and there cannot be 2 consecutive headed passes.
If the defender wins the headed duel, the ball has to be headed away.
Use the distance stick to judge how far it can travel. No interceptions are possible. The team that headed the ball is now the attacking team. Start counting from THE BALL, not the winner of the headed challenge.
Following a Header
The players who challenged for the header cannot participate in the subsequent Movement Phase.
Heading back to the goalkeeper (Advanced Rules)
You cannot head the ball back to your goalkeeper at a corner kick. (Core Rules)
Heading the ball back to the hands of the goalkeeper can be a risky move… If you choose to do this, roll a dice. If you roll a 1, start a Loose Ball process from the Goalkeeper.
If you choose to head the ball close to your goalkeeper’s feet, in order to avoid the above risk, remember that the GK can only pick up the ball at the END of a Movement Phase.
Heading Sequence
- Attack calls a High Pass.
- Attack moves 1 Player 3 Hexes and declares intended target.
- Defence moves 1 Player 3 Hexes
- Attacker checks accuracy of High Pass, revealing the actual Target.
- Find out if a Header can be played, if there is a possibility for a Control, and which players are within range to challenge.
- Attack declares if they are trying a Headed Pass or a Headed Shot.
- Attack declares which (maximum 2) players will attempt to head, and in which order.
- Defence declares which (maximum 2) players will attempt to head, and in which order, and if the GK will be involved to the challenge. (Defence can chose to not challenge) If Defense does not or can’t challenge, attack chooses between Header or Control (see below)
- Attack rolls with all the declared players. If the best score has been achieved with a dice roll of 1 (H6 + Roll1 and H3 + Roll3) and a Headed shot had been declared in Step 6, the Headed shot is OFF TARGET.
- Defence Rolls with all the declared players, and GK if he had been declared. Decide which player creates the best combined score (the first player you rolled the tying score with).
- Compare the attack’s best combined score with the defence’s.
- Attack Wins: If GK was not involved in challenge, GK tries to save on the hex that Attack heads to. If GK was involved in challenge, it’s a GOAL.
- Defence wins. Play a headed pass from the ball, to the available distance, without interceptions. Beware of the pass back to the GK. If GK won the challenge, he attracts the ball and play continues as Save and Hold
- There is a TIE. Follow Loose Ball instructions, players involved in the Aerial challenge cannot stop the ball. If the ball lands on a player that jumped, move it one Hex further away. If the Ball hits a player that has not jumped, continue play as “Any other Scenario”. If the ball does not hit a player, check if it stopped in a defender’s ZOI, and possibly attempt to gain it. If not, attacking team should start a Movement Phase.
Controlling a High Pass
In the Advanced Rules you do not always have to head the ball after a high pass - you can control the ball instead, but only if no defender is close enough to challenge you. To do this takes some skill: you will need a combined score (Dribbling + dice roll) of 9+.
If the ball’s final target is not on your player, but still in range for an unmarked header, you can still try it. Attempting a Control 2 hexes away from your player incurs a -1 dice penalty.
- If you are successful, continue play as if you had just won a tackle, and by attracting the ball to your Hex (if needed)
- If you are unsuccessful, follow the Loose Ball instructions, starting from the Player.
Extra Notes
The Attacking team, if there is no challenge from the Defence, and the ball lands within range of an attacker, must declare a Header or a Control attempt and then proceed with a Movement Phase. If the ball is in range for a Header, Movement Phase in not an option for the attack.
All heading distances start from the Ball, not the winner of the challenge.
Successful control attempts attract the ball to the controller, not the opposite.